Saturday, April 12, 2014

So I've Been Living In Disney

For the past few months I have been living in Orlando, Florida. But not only that, I’ve been working for the happiest place on Earth: Walt Disney World!! It has been the most exciting part of my life up to this point. I’ve met so many people from all over the world and have been a part in helping dreams come true! I’ve also become friends with people from all over the U.S as well as people from other countries, whom I’m going to miss terribly once my time here ends.

So what is it like working for WDW you may ask? Well, it’s exactly like you would imagine! Magical! I have a role in Quick Service Food & Beverage (QSFB for short) and to be completely honest I was not too thrilled when I started my first day of work. I was new to the area and not to mention never worked a day in my life so it was all a bit over whelming. But as my first day progressed I became a little more comfortable with my job and of course started making friends with some of the other newbies in my location. My coworkers are like my family and I would not trade them for anything in the world. Are they annoying? Yes. But they are some of the most down to Earth people I have ever met and I love them more than anything, even though some of them like to talk in our Facebook group until 3am after working a six hour shift. We are like our own little tightly knit family. But the down side to being so close to one another, nothing gets past any one. If something happens to one person, we all know within a matter of seconds. It’s almost as if you’re back in high school and you say something to your best friends and someone overheard you and then a rumor has caught like wildfire and everyone knows.

The housing situation is pretty interesting though. I live with 3 other girls in a 2 bedroom apartment, and it seems like we do not have enough room to put things away. Every place I look there is always, and I mean ALWAYS, something that belongs to someone just laying around somewhere. Now we aren’t slobs or anything but we just tend to leave things in every room. The only room that is a real mess is the kitchen and that is because we never want to clean up the dishes we use, so they usually just end up sitting in the sink until someone decides to wash them (which is pretty gross I know) but it works for us. It doesn’t really make sense but whatever works. Now of course we have our share of dumb fights (most of which revolve around the dishes) but in the end whatever we were arguing about is usually taken care of and everything is back to how it was before.

Days off are some of the best days of my life. Not only do I get to spend it with friends but I always to get to go play in the parks that is known as the happiest place on Earth. And I can assure you, I have never been happier in my life than I am now. I’ve gotten to meet so many of my favorite Disney characters (including Peter Pan and Wendy!!) which could not have been a greater experience. Disney is truly magical! From the shows I’ve seen probably 100 times by now (which NEVER get old) to just simply walking around the parks with my 5 best friends, Disney will be and is a home to me. If any of you out there reading this post are thinking of doing the Disney College Program, I highly suggest you do it. DCP has been the best experience of my life and I would do it all over again if I could, which speaking of, I’ve extended my program until August, so be on the lookout for some wild stories of the crazy things me and my friends get into. 

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